First GOD, Second Family, Then Education, Followed By Everything Else...

First GOD, Second Family, Then Education, Followed By Everything Else...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 2011: FAMILY UNITY

Love of families and fellow men was the keystone of the Savior’s ministry. To His disciples, He said, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12). 

   "We all came from one stomach!" I remember these words emphasized directly to us from UTA'I (Uncle Robert) when we visited with him in Southern California last Christmas. I had to take in his words and dissect them to gain a better understanding of what he meant. These words were spoken during a time some of us brothers and sisters living in the states were going through some difficult times, in living and coping with each others differences. We move away from home thinking that this is the time we finally put to use the tools and teachings of our parents, yet we constantly are in need of their reminders and counsels, regardless of the way they may present them to us. I concluded with what Uncle's saying meant is that, WE, UTA'ILEUO Children, ALL Came from MAMA. Our Mama, Epeleafiaelepeleaiga, a name so significant, that it is engraved in our mind, body, heart, and Spirit. No matter what the conflicts and differences we may face as a family, we must surpass these trials, and overcome to solve them with great humility in our hearts. It's easy said then done, yet we need to honor and live by her name with Our Heavenly Father guiding us through the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. I am reminded everyday members of our family near and far, and say a silent prayer to bless you all. We may not be acquainted as much growing up, but I believe and know that I have known you all even before this life. We don't choose our families, but we were blessed to be together through Our Father in Heaven who brought us all to Mama. Let us ALWAYS Love One Another, as Our Savior did, because HE loved us more. 


 (SAGAUGA and TUIA'ANASAGATE at the grill, barbecuing some ono Chicken and Ribs)

   On Saturday September 24, 2011, our Family in Hawai'i, Sagauga and Tuia'anasagate's Family hosted their 1st Fundraiser selling over 200 deliciously Polynesian packed-sized Plates for the hungry people of Hawai'i. They sold tickets for 3-4 weeks to everyone in their community, knocking on doors, talking to friends, and any way to make that money, for EVERYONE to go to SAMOA on March 2011 for Mama's 80th Birthday! Their weekend was busy with attending our All-Star Football Players T.J. (Farrington High School) and Numa (Waipahu High School), and at the same time cook, prep, sale, and it was all worth it, because all their hearts were focused on going to see MAMA. Thank you 808 Family for your great example and commitment to MAMA's 80th BIRTHDAY. 

Mariaha serving the Chop Suey with a big SMILE!

Taulagaola for Miss SAMOANA

    (Ola and Ness showing their UTA'I Spirit with a Warm Hug and Big Smile)

   This past weekend, on Saturday October 6, are energetic and beautiful Taulagaola competed for Miss Samoana for her high school. We were anxiously waiting for Kenese's updates and results for Ola's Pageant. He later informed us that she had placed 2nd runner-up. We all believed in her as the WINNER, regardless of the results the judges presented. We crown you Ola, with the UTA"ILEUO Crown of Samoana. This crown is far better than that other one. Congratulations Ola!

    Every year Samoa celebrates White Sunday in recognition of the Children of the Church. Children and church members wear their Best White clothing and new shoes, then prepare to present their scripture memory verses and songs to the congregation. Seeing all the children in white was so amazingly priceless. These little ones are Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ "precious ones." I saw them as pure Angels, so innocent, and never ashamed to speak words of LOVE.
"As our children become teenagers, they frequently rely on things that will endear them to their peers. Unless a strong bond of love and trust has been established between parents and children, supported by a strong spiritual environment in the home, children’s loyalties tend to move to peers as they become teenagers. As children develop confidence in themselves and strong testimonies of the Savior, they add a special spirit of unity and happiness to their families and have strength to resist the pressures of the world." 
I was fortunate for the second time to watch my nephew Leonitus Fa'alele say his scripture and sing his song all by himself with the cutest smile and sweetest voice. Children can just brighten our day in so many ways or just make your worries go away. God Bless Our Children, and May we be great leaders and examples to them.

Sept. 17 Uncle Tuia'anasagate 44th Birthday
Oct. 4 Sister Dolores Birthday
Oct. 27 My Mom Tiva's Birthday 

Prayer Request 
  • Please keep our Brother Naldo Amituana'i in your prayers as he undergo more tests with his heart condition. He is keeping active and striving to live a healthy life style for his family, especially his two sons. May we pray for all our family for Spiritual and Physical HEALTH.
  • Pray for our brother Zane that he may have a better understanding of the situation he is going through. May he blessed with Strength and the heart to forgive.
Our Goal: Speak, Act, and Show LOVE with no Fear
"Frequent expressions of love are a key to building trusting and loving relationships, but equally important is the consistent demonstration of that love. How we act often speaks louder than what we say and how we say it. It is important that we consistently and genuinely show our children our love for them as well as tell them of that love."
Family please continue to share messages, photos, prayer requests, and all other events in our Family facebook Page.


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