First GOD, Second Family, Then Education, Followed By Everything Else...

First GOD, Second Family, Then Education, Followed By Everything Else...

Monday, August 29, 2011

SEPTEMBER 2011: Striving for EXCELLENCE, because with GOD Anything and Everything is POSSIBLE!

    Evelyn and Elton in San Diego         Zane Utai as Cassidy Richards

We Live by the Priorities set forth by Our Family, which are:
  1. GOD
  2. Family
  3. Education
Followed by our personal choices in Life, whether it be Work, a Career, Country, etc.

I would like to showcase 3 individuals that have been great examples this past month, demonstrating PERSEVERANCE in Striving for Excellence for GOD, Family, and themselves.

Evelyn Utai and Elton Utai are Full-Time Students and Full-Time Workers that have been diligently attending school and working long hours to help provide for their families. Evelyn (our Evey) was currently hired by our Alma Mater, Farrington High School, as a full-time Educational Aid, assisting students with special needs. She works from 7:00am to 4:00pm, then immediately drives to school, with the assistance of Mom and Tracy, where she attends the University of Hawaii at Manoa, completing her required classes for Psychology/Social Work to receive her Bachelors. At the same time she makes it her priority to attend our families sporting events and assist the Freshmen Class as a Co-Advisor. Now is there anything this woman can't do? I think NOT! Evey shares with us that we need to approach Life with a mind frame beginning with two words, "I AM." Use the "I AM" Messages when starting your day after a Prayer, looking in the mirror, acknowledging constantly the "I AM" Messages for Growth, never Negative insights. Definitely Words of Wisdom that we can utilize in our everyday starters!
Elton Utai, is in his 2nd Semester of Delta Community College in Stockton, CA, showing a great interest in becoming an Engineer. He is currently taking Electrical Engineering, Welding, and Interior Designing, presenting him with a full schedule from Monday through Thursdays from 9am to 4:30pm. After a quick rest in rejuvenating his body and Spirit he pulls a graveyard shift from 10:30pm to 7:30am., working at the Winery. I ask him was this all possible for him to do all of this with limited time to sleep and gain strength, he responded with pure Faith, "with GOD, I can do this!" True That El! He is looking to use these skills in helping his Dad complete their house in American Samoa. The beginning of this year he aimed to play football for this Fall Season, yet he sacrificed playing football to work for the family. We appreciate your sacrifice!
Zane Utai who is also known as Our Famous Cassidy Richards was recently nominated for an award within the largest gay community events in San Diego called the "Nicky Awards." There are many in San Diego, but few were chosen, and our Cassidy was selected. Cassidy works at the Lips Restaurant as a Hostess and Performer, with the support of her significant other, Jimmy Christiansen. She also works at another location in San Diego called the Brass Rail. Zane has experienced a lot of heartbreak and at the same time Support from Family and loved ones for his decisions on coming out to the Family and World, yet he is committed to delivering the Real Shim with Confidence! Totally Serving it and Representing Our Family to the Fullest! Unfortunately, he did not receive the award, yet he states, "It's just the Beginning, and he's a step further than he was yesterday." We appreciate your positivity in looking up Zane, may we see our struggles as strengths.

We all are continuously Striving in Excellence in doing and being the BEST, but with GOD, Family, and an Education, Who Can Stop Us? For No One Can, but Ourselves... LiveStrong Family and Pray in Faith : )

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