First GOD, Second Family, Then Education, Followed By Everything Else...

First GOD, Second Family, Then Education, Followed By Everything Else...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Preparations for Mama's 80th Birthday Celebration!

We have been long awaiting for a time where our family can be all together in happiness, rather that fa'alavelave and other unfortunate events. There has been talk about Reunions, yet we have been fortunate to have these partial reunions with part of the family, but not her entire lineage at Home, in Samoa. Therefore, we were so fortunate and ecstatic to announce the Celebration of Mama's 80th Birthday in Samoa, where are roots and Legacy is planted. As branches (grandchildren) of our Mama, we are diligently preparing for this Incredible Event with everyone taking part in making it Memorable and a treasured gift to her. It becomes difficult with everyone being spread apart across the Pacific, including different opinions and suggestions, yet together we come with one VISION, which is LOVE for Our Mama.
There is parable of a woman who offers all she had as tithing with all her hear, rather than the rich Pharisees who gave more than her coins of tithing and wanted more blessings in return. We may all be in difficult and unfortunate circumstances that causes us to doubt are attendance, participation, and presence in our upcoming family even, but with all Our Heart and Spirit United to Do All We Can in Unity, we will definitely be Blessed with a Wonderous Celebration.  With God, Anything and Everything is Possible... With Faith, Hope, Love, and Good Works...

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