First GOD, Second Family, Then Education, Followed By Everything Else...

First GOD, Second Family, Then Education, Followed By Everything Else...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Keeping A Journal

We are constantly overloaded with many people, places, and things in our lives, that it's so difficult to keep them all in our memory banks. Therefore, can I share with you the 21st Century of keeping a journal... It's called blogging... Some of us may be on facebook and other social networks, but with blogging you are able to do the same and more...
I am opening myself up more and sharing my Personal Life with you all, because you are my Family... I mean, what better people to share your life with and get constructive criticism, then your own family. As the saying goes, I can take the TRUTH, but I will not take your LIES... I'm in a point in my life, where I Need Advice and Guidance. I am not Perfect, but I Will Do My Best to Help My Family... Near or Far... Blessings to You All and Love You!

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